Học tiếng Anh qua các tác phẩm văn học

Learning through literature

  • 22/06/2020

Many students are already aware of the importance of reading English material in order to gain new vocabulary and improve comprehension skills. However, what most students do not realize is that reading does not have to be boring. It does not have to be limited to newspapers or IELTS passages; novels are a great way to improve one’s English.

Just because it’s fun doesn’t mean it’s frivolous. (vui không có nghĩa là không có mục đích)

I think this belief may be more prevalent among Asian parents. I’ve met many mothers and fathers who seem to hold firm to the idea that if their children are having fun while learning, surely they cannot be learning. So when it comes to books, students are often saddled with the driest, most “classic” texts possible.

If you love that sort of thing, then by all means continue, but there is nothing wrong with something more light-hearted and relevant to the 21st century. The important thing is that you are reading consistently, by which I mean at least half an hour every day or every other day.

The benefits of novel-reading: (lợi ích của việc đọc tiểu thuyết)

1. Learning every-day English: Classics are wonderful, but for an English learner, the language in these books is often dated or dead. Reading contemporary books can help you learn vocabulary that is actually used by people still alive. Novels can also teach you how to express your ideas and emotions, which is a skill important not just for English but for every-day interactions.

2. Vocabulary in context: The best way to learn new words is through context. Many IELTS students have felt the frustration of finding beautifully complex synonyms and incorporating them into their KTDC reports and essays, only to receive red marks and “odd” written everywhere.

This is because, as your teacher may have informed you a billion times already, synonyms cannot always substitute each other in all situations. If you want to learn how words are used properly, reading them in appropriate context is the key.

3. Grammar and accuracy: Reading is not only helpful for learning vocabulary—it can teach you proper sentence structure and grammar. By seeing how the author structures her ideas, you can learn to do the same and understand English better through passive learning.

Warning: there are sometimes stylistic allowances that may deviate from formal grammatical rules, but for those struggling with basic errors, reading will still be a rewarding educational activity. Advanced learners should already have a strong grasp of the basic rules so this would not be a major issue; in fact, they can have the opportunity to study writing styles.

How to choose the right book:

1. Pick something that you really want to read. Don’t pick something that you think will impress your friends or your family. Remember, you are the one trying to learn, so you need to tailor your material so that it best suits you. You can read reviews on Goodreads or Amazon to try to find something that catches your interest.

2. Make sure the book is level-appropriate. You don’t want to have to run for the dictionary every couple of words. Try reading a couple of pages; if there are more than 10 new words on each page, perhaps try a different book. Remember, you don’t want something too easy—you should find it challenging enough that you’re learning but still understand the story.

IELTS Trainer

Ms. Yuri Melinda Roh

There is no science in this day